Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st!!!

EEEEKKK it's december first today people!!! Let the CHRISTMAS countdown begin!!!
I just wrapped up 3 presents and it got me all giddy and excited for the holiday season!!
This morning I went to target, to buy some gifts for kids who are affected by AIDS, either they have the disease or a sibling or parent has the disease. So sad:(
When the 200 name list came around in class the other day, my heart sunk! There were soo many kids and I wanted to be able to get a gift for all of them! But I just don't have the funds to be doing that, so I picked one 3 year old boy name Josue, a 3 year old girl named Isabelle, and a new born baby girl with no name yet!! It was fun shopping for a gift for them...but HARD!! Like what do 3 year olds want?? I went with a My Little Pony momma and baby in a stroller for the little girl, and some truck thing for the little boy...I hope they like it!!

Have a Merry December 1st!!!



  1. Oh soo sad. What did you get for the new born?

  2. Oops sorry I forgot!! Well since she's just new and probably doesn't care about christmas I got her some diapers, and some sleepers and pants...comfy ones of course:) Cuz babies aren't mini adults, they don't wanna be in jeans and blouses!!
