I have been meaning to BLOG lately and update the blog world on my life in the Lone Star State!
I CAN'T believe that I am in my fourth semester already!! I just booked my flights home for christmas break and realized that will be my LAST time flying back and forth from Edmonton to Harlingen! Eeeekkk can't wait!!
Welcome to Harlingen Becca!
Dropping my Aunt Julie off at the airport, Can't wait to see her again when she and my mom come down in a few weeks!
So what have I been up to you ask?? Well basically I've been doing ALOT of this...

Yep...that's my life! I'm in clinic half of my week, taking x-rays, charting, scaling, polishing, applying fluoride etc, teaching people that they need to brush more than twice a week (not a joke) and that floss is not just mint smelling string it's actually meant to clean your teeth!
Even with all the stress of clinic requirements, and classes we have managed to have some fun this semester! We went to the beach a couple Saturday's ago to soak up some Vitamin D!!
I love the ocean!!
We even went out to the Island last weekend for a Bonfire!! Driving on the beach was so fun! And swimming out in the ocean when it was pitch black out was even funner!! It was such a starry night out and the stars made the water glitter and shine, it reflected on our skin and made us look like vampires (twilight edition!) It was so cool!!
Me and Becca after a midnight swim in the ocean!

Cute sandy feet!! (like my toes? I couldn't pick one color so I chose 5!)
Me, Becca, Kaitlin, and Matt
Ociel, Jessica, Becki, Shad
More of the crew at the beach!
We also have some creatures that share our apartment with us...
This particular creature was not very welcomed as Kaitlin made known by grinding him into the carpet with a bottle of clorox bleach! We haven't seen any more of them since his apperance so I guess Kaitlin's theatrics warned the rest of his clan off!
But this little creature...
well he's a little more welcomed:)
Becca bought a cat almost a month ago, he's pretty cute...but I'm glad it sleeps/eats/does his business in her room...cat's aren't my fave. But who can resist a cuddly kitty with pretty green eyes and fluffy fur? I sure can't.
Well that's my update...and here's a few more pics:)

Classic car photo shoot opportunity!

A yummy sunday dinner...we really only try on sundays! This sunday we're having our very own Canadian thanksgiving dinner in Texas!! Can't wait!!

Love this girl! Wouldn't have made it through this last year without her!