So to start off the semester I had to buy a car...and I am clueless when it comes to cars!! So our bishop came with us to help! So we drove to houston on a friday after school, slept in a hotel that night woke up early on saturday spent over 10 hours driving around houston in search of a dumb car and finally settled on this one! It's pretty cute and it has lots of room for me to bring everything back home!!
We honestly didn't do alot of really FUN things this past semester because school was very intense especially CLINIC!! I could really go off on this subject but I wont, because I just get all panicked and anxious! But as usual I attended lots of school activities because Kaitlin is the princess of our school and has to host all of the student life activities. She's very well spoken and funny so it's always a good laugh to watch her! This picture is of Kaitlin hosting the kareoke (sp?) night!! It was a really funny night...I was too busy laughing to take any pictures of the performances!
Eva, Me (post 8 hour day of clinic) and Clark
When I didn't have clinic, school, or church callings to attend to I spent the majority of my time at the pool!! Nothings beats a hot texas day floating in the pool for hours, It is the ultimate therapy! I can seriously just feel all my stress and worries float away when I'm there...but unfortunately I have zero pictures of us at the pool:( I'll try to capture a few this semester!
So that about sums up the first two months of the summer semester...Now because I am recapping MAJOR events I will suck it up and go back and dig up my buried memories of the last 2 months of the semester:( I could go on for a while of all the different sicknesses I went through, but in short my immune system basically quit on me and just allowed any type of sickly bacteria to inhabit my body and cause me to be sick for way too long. Coincidentally while I was in the throws of pneumonia and a flu Hurricane Alex hit and we were evacuated to San Antonio. I think my roomates enjoyed the break from school for the week but all I remember is a lot of crying and wishing I was home:( Unfortunately being sick really was a major event this past semester as it took up most of my last few months and also really affected my marks and my clinic grade!! Thankfully its all over!!!
The sky was very dark and scary on our way home from our San Antonio after the Hurricane scare!!
My friend Sarah from North Texas, is having a baby boy ANY DAY now! So before we left for summer break all the hygiene girls had a baby shower for her! So Kaitlin and I made a diaper was pretty cute!!
Preggo Sarah and Melissa!! Sarah is having a boy and they have already named him Jaxon! Good pick!
Jessica after giving blood!! Looking pretty happy! Blood it's in you to give:)

Kaitlin's donating experience was significantly more dramatic than anything I've ever seen!! But she made it through and now it's just a good story!! They wouldn't let me give blood because I was under the weight limit:( Being sick is the fastest way to lose 15 pounds! Scary!!!
Our last saturday in Texas was spent at the church the a Primary Activity!! I am my ward's primary music leader! It has been a challenge but soo fun!! I love the kids so much already and I love the primary music! Can't wait to get back to it!

It was a pioneer themed primary activity...hence the bonnets!!
The weekend before we left Texas, we went out to the Island to a restaurant on the beach that does fireworks every friday night to music. It was such a pretty show and they play all this patriotic country texan music to the red white and blue fireworks!! Texans...gotta love em:)
All the girls at the end of the night:) I love these girls!! They make living so far from home just a little bit easier!!
Wow!! That was long! That's my update for my 3rd semester in Texas!! Time is flying!! And my summer break is almost over:( Which I'm sad about but I know I just need to get back down there and get this OVER WITH!! I will post again soon updating on my month of summer in Canada!! It was been great!!